Design Your Context
Competition Run Dates: Friday Sep. 13th 4pm – Wed Sep. 20th 12pm

What you need to do:
Use the above image to create something cool. A graphic to be laser etched, CNC'd or just printed on. The only limitation here is that you stay within the boundary. Everything else is up to you. Go crazy and get creative. Try to keep in mind that we LOVE digital fabrication so we encourage you to use this wonderful process keeping in mind that we also love cool stuff in general. Just do what you want and make it awesome! Have fun and good luck!
This is going to be sweet, you have no idea… make sure you don’t break the rules (even though we all know rules are made to be broken). Below you’ll find our “unbreakable” rules, here it goes:
- Final image must be representational of a 4’ x 8’ panel
- Make sure you use the provided template (Just click and "save image as" the image above)
- Submit your finished file in .jpg format only
- File size must be under 4mb
- Submit final images to DYC@ContextSpaces.com no later than Friday Sep. 20th @ 12pm
Please keep in mind this is your work. We have zero interest in making money off of the images you submit to us. We do however, want you to understand that we love letting the world know that we ran a successful competition and attracted some great talent. In other words we are going to use your images all over the interweb. Your submission to this competition gives us this right. Don’t you worry you’ll get all the credit, that’s how we like it!
1st place:
You will receive your very own personalized “micro::context – Smoking gun”! (4’x2’x1/8”) In addition to this you may be contacted to collaborate with us and receive royalties to produce our next Context line. We are currently going through this process with our Ink&Skin line and it is producing some really cool stuff.
2nd place:
You will receive your very own, personalized “micro::context – Cycle Helmet”! (1’x2’x1/8”)
3rd place:
You will receive your very own personalized “micro::context – trance”! (6”x6”x3/4”)
The top 10 entries will be displayed on our page at http://www.contextspaces.com/http%3A//www.contextspaces.com/blog/DYC